From Acne to Eczema: Tips to Alleviate Common Skin Conditions Once and For All
There’s a plethora of common skin conditions that make us uncomfortable or self-conscious; however, it is sometimes tricky trying to alleviate them. In addition, it is best to use safe and all-natural products so that we aren’t causing further irritation to the skin or harming our overall health.

Common Skin Conditions & How to Treat Them
Almost everyone struggles with acne at some point in their lives. Acne is caused when our pores become clogged with excess oils and dirt, causing pimples, whiteheads, or blackheads to form. There are many causes of acne, including hormones, diet, stress, and specific medications. Acne typically starts during our teenage years but can continue into adulthood. While there isn’t a cure to eliminate acne, there are ways to reduce it significantly. Just be sure to use safe and all-natural products. Many over-the-counter acne creams on the market today can make your acne worse, especially with over-use.
Tips for Treating Acne
Gently Cleanse: Start by using a gentle cleanser once or twice a day. Soaps that contain tea tree oil, charcoal, or clay are ideal for those with acne-prone skin because they draw out toxins and impurities from the skin. Try some of our favorite soaps, such as the All-In-One Body & Shampoo Bar, the French Clay Facial Soap, and Rose Pink Clay Soap. Avoid scrubbing your face too hard, which can cause more irritation and redness.
Proper Skincare: Use non-comedogenic skin products to avoid clogging your pores and worsening acne. Don’t forget to moisturize, even if you have oily skin. Your skin may produce more oil to compensate if not properly moisturized.
Avoid Touching Skin: When you touch or pick at your acne, this can cause bacteria to spread, and it can lead to more acne. As hard as it may be, just be patient and allow your acne to heal properly.
Rinse Off Regularly: Our pores get clogged with excess oils and dirt whenever we sweat outside or work out. Be sure to rinse off after activity to prevent more acne.

When your scalp gets dry, itchy, and flaky, this is known as dandruff. It typically occurs in adults, and while it is not harmful, it is often embarrassing.
Tips for Treating Dandruff
Lukewarm Water: Hot water may dry out your skin, so use lukewarm water when shampooing your hair.
Tea Tree and Coconut Oils: These oils are known for their antifungal properties and for adding moisture back into your skin. Our All-In-One Body & Shampoo Bar contains these hydrating ingredients to help reduce dandruff.

There are three types of dermatitis: eczema (atopic dermatitis), seborrheic dermatitis, and contact dermatitis. This skin condition can cause dry, itchy rashes, blisters, or oozing skin. Dermatitis usually affects children, but it is also present in adults. While there is no cure, there are ways to help ease the symptoms.
Tips for Treating Dermatitis
Use a Gentle Cleanser: Our Morning Dew Eczema Relief bar is perfect for the most sensitive skin because it contains clean ingredients and adds extra hydration.
Apply Moisturizer: After bathing, seal in the moisture by applying a cream or moisturizer. You may have to test a few to see what works best for your skin type. Our favorites include our Deep Moisture Face & Hand Cream and Lush Lightweight Body Butter.
This skin condition can be found on anyone at any age, although it often first appears during childhood. Eczema is when you have itchy, dry, or bumpy patches of skin. While it is not contagious, it usually worsens when you come into contact with an allergen or irritant. There is no cure yet, but there are natural ways to treat eczema symptoms.
Tips for Treating Eczema
Gently Cleanse: When taking a bath or shower, use lukewarm water so you do not dry out your skin. Use a gentle cleanser like our Morning Dew Eczema Relief bar. Its safe and gentle ingredients relieve skin irritation and provide Vitamin C to protect the skin and prevent future outbreaks.
Moisturize: Use a gentle moisturizer to help hydrate your skin. Our Wonder Balm- All Purpose Healing Salve contains tea tree and lavender essential oils, which calm irritations and promote healing.
Avoid Triggers (if you know them): Try your best to avoid anything that causes eczema flare-ups. Common eczema triggers include heat, outdoor allergens, laundry detergent, dairy, etc.
An allergic reaction causes this skin condition called hives. Hives are red or pink welts that can form anywhere on the body at any age. Most hives can be alleviated with an allergy medication, but consult your doctor first.
Tips for Treating Hives
Take a Cool Bath: A cool bath with oatmeal can help to soothe the itchy hives on your skin.
Try an OTC Antihistamine: Over-the-counter antihistamines like loratadine, cetirizine, and diphenhydramine may help with the itching by blocking the histamine response.
Avoid Irritation: Try to avoid irritating the areas with hives. Wear loose clothing, and sit in a cool (not warm or humid) environment.

Keratosis Pilaris
This common skin condition is often called “chicken skin” due to the small red or brown bumps on the skin, caused when dead skin cells clog hair follicles. These bumps do not itch, but they are common on any areas of the skin with hair growth. While KP cannot be cured, people typically grow out of it in adulthood. In the meantime, there are simple ways to lessen the appearance of keratosis pilaris.
Tips for Treating Keratosis Pilaris (KP)
Warm Bath: Take a warm bath to loosen the skin cells and wash away dirt clogging your pores.
Exfoliation: Next, exfoliate your skin to remove the dead skin cells. You can use a damp washcloth or try our Exfoliating Body Scrub in honeysuckle or coconut. The fine sugar granules exfoliate the skin, while shea butter and coconut oil nourish and moisturize it, and safflower oil and botanical extracts soothe and protect it.
Moisturize: For the third step, you will need to moisturize your skin to prevent further irritation. Try our Rose Garden Lightweight Body Butter. Rosewater is known for soothing irritation, leaving your skin supple and hydrated.
Humidifiers: Using a humidifier can help keep your skin hydrated and prevents dry, itchy flare-ups on your skin.
Wear Loose Clothing: Tight clothing can cause rubbing and friction on your skin, leading to skin redness and irritation. Wear looser clothing to allow your skin some airflow, especially on hot summer days.

This common skin condition is caused by visible blood vessels on your face, causing redness that is challenging to alleviate. This condition is most prevalent in women with fair to medium skin tones. While rosacea cannot be cured completely, there are ways to manage it and make it less noticeable.
Tips for Treating Rosacea
Apply Sunscreen: Applying sunscreen to your face daily will protect it from harmful UV rays, which will also help to reduce rosacea flare-ups.
Avoid Rosacea Triggers: Rosacea can be caused by several things: spicy foods, heat, stress, alcohol, cold weather, exercise, dairy, and many more. Be sure to document when you have a rosacea flare-up to avoid whatever may be causing it.
Be Gentle with Your Skin: Use a gentle cleanser without harsh chemicals or fragrances. These can be highly irritating and cause a rosacea flare-up. Instead, try our Super Simple Baby Bar. The all-natural, nourishing ingredients help heal, moisturize, soothe, and protect the most delicate skin.
Skin Tags
This common skin condition affects half of the adult population. While they are not dangerous, many people like to have them removed for cosmetic reasons. You can have a doctor remove your skin tag or try a natural remedy at home.
Tips for Removing Skin Tags
Tea Tree Oil: Apply this essential oil three times daily with a cotton ball and band-aid. It may take several weeks for the skin tag to fall off. Be sure to stop use if the skin becomes irritated.
Apple Cider Vinegar: You may try the same technique with apple cider vinegar. Watch out for irritation, and stop use if this occurs.
Warts are very common and occur in both children and adults. These small bumps may appear anywhere on your body but are usually found on your hands, feet, or knees. Common warts, plantar warts (usually on the feet), and flat warts are the most common.
Tips for Treating Warts
Band-Aid or Duct Tape Treatments: Many people claim that tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, garlic, aloe vera, and many others can help your wart to fall off faster when applied multiple times a day with a Band-Aid. You can also try applying Duct Tape to the wart for a couple of weeks. Please discontinue use if irritation occurs.

Keep the Irritation at Bay with Clean Mumu Bath Products
These common skincare conditions are deemed “common” for a reason—they can happen to anyone, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about. At Mumu Bath, we have created safe and effective skincare to help keep your skin glowing and radiant!