Benefits of Using Sustainable Palm Oil | What You Should Know
Over the past several years, many companies have started using palm oil due to its many benefits, and it is much less expensive to produce than other oils. However, the usage of palm oil has become quite controversial due to deforestation, air pollution, and many animals losing their homes. But now, there is a more earth-loving way to source palm oil. When palm oil is sustainably sourced, you get all the benefits without the harmful consequences. That is why Mumu Bath works exclusively with a company called Palm Done Right.

What is palm oil?
Palm oil is an oil made from African oil palm trees, which grow in the tropical rainforests of west and central Africa. These trees can grow over 20 meters (a little over 65 ft) tall once they are fully matured. You can get 5-10 times more palm oil in a single acre over canola or soybean oils, which is why palm oil is the highest producing vegetable oil in the world (Palm 101). Countries around the world also choose to use palm oil in many of their products because it is such a versatile oil. This amazing oil can either be used in a liquid or solid form, making it perfect for a variety of products.
How is palm oil sustainably made?
At around 3-4 years old, African oil palm trees begin growing fruit. This fruit grows year-round and can continue to grow on the trees for up to 40 years. Once the fruit plants have fully grown, the pulp of the fruit is pressed into palm oil. When done sustainably, you can keep using the same tree over and over, keeping forests intact and protecting animal habitats. Additionally, farmers are able to continue working their land and earning money producing palm oil for years to come, supporting local families living in these regions. This specific oil is very popular especially in developing countries because it is inexpensive to produce and readily available. Farming palm oil is a reliable source of income for families who depend on it.

What is palm oil used for?
Palm oil is a safe, healthy, and versatile oil used in numerous foods, skincare products, cleaning products, cooking and baking items, and cosmetics. Take a look at the products in your kitchen, laundry room, bathroom, and cleaning cabinet. You might be surprised to find that over half of them contain palm oil!
Due to the fact that palm oil can reside as either a liquid or solid, it makes this particular oil extremely versatile. Palm oil is also resistant to oxidation, which naturally helps products to last longer without using harsh chemical or preservatives.

Is palm oil better for the environment than other oils?
Organic sustainable palm oil is much better for the environment because you can continue using the same trees--if practicing sustainable farming--instead of destroying entire forests. As mentioned earlier, African oil palms continue producing fruit for up to 40 years, so you can keep using the same trees over and over, without harming the forest or animal habitats.
Removing the fruit on the trees does not harm the trees at all (similar to how you might harvest fruit from the same tree each year), and they are able to produce fruit again and again year round.
Sustainable palm oil is also especially great for farmers because it provides a steady income all through the year. Farmers are able to reuse lands that were once cleared out, and they can bring life back to the area. Local farmers can cultivate the soil and restore the nutrients that were there previously. Although this was not always the case, now, organic sustainable palm oil farming is truly helpful for so many farmers, communities, animals, and customers!

Why do we choose to use palm oil in our soaps?
Palm oil is a gentle and nourishing natural ingredient to use in soaps and other skincare products because it contains several antioxidants, carotenes, vitamin E, and vitamin A, which are all great for your skin. These vitamins help to protect your natural skin barrier, improve your skin’s elasticity, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
Palm oil also acts as an emollient, which helps your skin feel soft and hydrated. Many people also don’t know that red palm oil also contains antibacterial properties, which cleanse the skin and prevent future breakouts!
Those suffering from eczema or dry skin should try using soaps and other products containing sustainable palm oil for extra hydration to irritated skin. And as an added bonus, when applied topically, palm oil can act as a natural SPF 15 on your skin! With so many benefits, it is easy to see why we choose to use sustainable palm oil in many of our all-natural soaps.

Interested in trying soaps with organic sustainable palm oil?
Here are some of our best sellers:
Feel free to peruse our website. We have a variety of natural skincare options for all skin types!
For more information on organic sustainable palm oil, please visit palmdoneright.com.
At Mumu Bath, we take the health of our customers very seriously, which is why we only partner with companies that also share these values. Many of our products contain organic sustainable palm oil, and we hope you love them as much as we do!